Nicole Witt

Spiritual Teacher, Coach & Miracle Mentor

I am so glad to meet you.

I offer you a virtual hot beverage and ask you to come join the circle.

My name is Nicole Witt and I am a spiritual mentor, teacher, and coach. I help women rewrite the story of their lives as they transition from focusing on their families to focusing on themselves.

Who do they want to become? How do they want to spend the next half of their lives? That’s right, I said “half.”

It’s never too late to start living the life of your dreams.

Using the principles and practices of A Course in Miracles,

I help women reconnect to that life force energy inside of them that is asking to come out and play.

Together, we clear away all the old stories that we have been telling ourselves in order to dull and dampen that Light.

Now it is the time to let it shine.

I have been experimenting with these principles in real time and I can tell you they absolutely work.

The only hard part is clearing out everything we hold in our conditioned mind that is blocking our understanding and keeping us resistant and stuck.

Through sharing my own experiences of how I applied the principles of A Course in Miracles to my everyday life and relationships, the meaning of the Course becomes clearer and you now can practice for yourself.

That’s how forward momentum towards a life you love happens. Step by step. Walking on water is that easy.

My Journey

I used to feel like I spent my whole life searching for “what I wanted to be when I grew up” and feeling totally left out of “the good life”.

Where was my passion? Where was that spark? Why did everyone else seem to have it, to know what they were here to do?

I felt friendless, lonely, and massively stuck. I thought the key to happiness was hidden somewhere and I just needed enough money and free time to find it.

However, I never did seem to have enough money or time and that just frustrated me more. I let my stories of lack and limitation doom me to hell over and over every day as I headed off to a job that I did “just for the money” and came home to a husband that seemed to have no clue as to how he should act in order to make me happy. Around and around I went, same hamster wheel, different day. Stuck in a circle, going nowhere fast.

And then I found A Course in Miracles and I took to it like fish to water.

I immediately started applying what I was reading in the Course to my life. As I became more aware of the constant narration of my life happening in my head, I was shocked at what was going on in there. No wonder I had such a bad opinion of myself.

As I began to seriously question these thoughts that I had been believing, I started hearing another voice.

It had always been there, I just didn’t know it. I started recognizing the love that had been with me this whole time and I began wanting to hear that voice above all else.

I became willing to truly love my life, just as it was at that moment. I began to forgive. I began to surrender. I began to truly see my life as an experiment of my choosing. I can choose how I experience any situation. It is completely my free will.

I became a miracle junkie.

The willingness to choose happiness over my suffering was made over and over again. I opened my mind to Spirit so that I experienced miracle after miracle. It felt like a quantum shift finally began happening.

My soul crushing job transformed little by little and after 30 years, I finally trusted enough to let go of it and move to a new city, not knowing what would happen but trusting that I was being held in love. And I was, every step of the way.

Now I have a vocation I love and I feel like I do belong, like I am finally living my life on purpose and with intention.

I am truly learning to live, dance, and sing like no one is watching. Learning how to Be me with a capital B, as my true function to express the Divine Beingness of myself.

ACIM is literally a treasure map, and my greatest pleasure is to help others reach that gold.

This quantum transformation happened with trust, willingness, and commitment to clear out all the crap that was keeping me from living what I felt in my heart. That trust, willingness, and commitment developed one small step at a time as I applied what Jesus says in the Course. It is literally a treasure map and my greatest pleasure is to help others reach that gold.

This is so important to me because I know that the suffering of the world, the wars, the shootings, everything we see on the nightly news, is a reflection of choosing fear over Love.

If I can help more people choose Love for themselves, especially women as we are the inherent nurturers of the world, then the world will change and, as the course promises, the world will end in laughter not tears. Happy, Joyful, fulfilled people are the fuel for change.

The brighter we shine, the more the world is healed.

Work with me 1-on-1

Now is the time to let your light shine.

8-Week Programs

Heal your inner child or learn to connect with your inner guidance through time-tested programs.

8 week commitment

Accessing Inner Wisdom 1-on-1 Counseling

Get in touch with the Highest Source of Wisdom within you and allow yourself to be healed in a way that is best for you.

Single 2-hour sessions

Coaching & ACIM Mentoring

Work towards a desired outcome or make quantum leaps in your ACIM journey through focused, custom-tailored support.

3 to 12 month commitment

We are the mothers—it is our job to bring about the expansion of feminine love energy so that the world will end in laughter, not tears.



Nicole Witt is a spiritual teacher, mentor, and coach. Using the principles and practices of A Course in Miracles, she helps women redefine their life and their story so that they can truly embody a life they love.

Growing up, Nicole was fascinated by how our thoughts and perceptions shaped our lives and that of society as a whole. After receiving a degree in Archeology and Cultural Anthropology, Nicole completed a certificate program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution. Along with a 30 plus year in corporate real estate, Nicole also mediated cases in the LA Superior Court and ran a Peer Mediation program in a Los Angeles middle school. But she knew she had more to give.

On her search to find her true purpose and passion, Nicole was introduced to A Course in Miracles and she took to it like a fish to water. With no religious background growing up, it felt like coming home to a brand new existence. She began watching her own thoughts and applying what she studied to her own inner world. Because of the profound change in her life, Nicole became ordained as a Minister and Ministerial Counselor by Pathways of Light (a non-denominal church founded on the principles of A Course in Miracles).

Using her experiences and clear understanding of the Course, she helps others discover the peace, joy, and freedom within so that they can shine bright in this world.

Nicole’s ultimate mission is to bring happiness and peace to every corner of the world, one lit up woman at a time.

Nicole is also a singer/songwriter and her songs speak of her personal journey to Love.