Work with me

8-Week Programs

I’m currently offering two 8-week programs.

Both include weekly 1-on-1 counseling sessions.

8-week program

Healing Inner Child

“I seek a future different from the past.”

ACIM, W-314

Because we were raised by humans who also came from humans, we have all been touched by the idea of “hurt people, hurt people”.

The generational conditioning of fear, judgment, and needing to prove our worthiness that most of us experienced growing up has resulted in an inner child that is still fighting to survive and be heard.

Most of the time we can keep her under wraps, pushed to the side – but nobody puts our baby in a corner for long before there is a blow up tantrum because she craves to be heard and loved but she doesn’t know how to get those things that she feels deprived of.

By healing the inner little girl, we go from “life is a struggle” to trusting that we are safe, loved, and guided beyond measure.

You will learn how to…

  • Give your inner child the nurturing attention she has always wanted

  • Pay attention to what your inner child says, thinks, feels, and how she behaves.

  • Observe your inner child with detachment and compassion, realizing you can transform and heal her with the help of your Inner Higher Love.

  • Know you are not alone

  • Choose to perceive any situation or relationship differently with more ease, more grace, and more love.

  • Release limiting fears and bring more unconditional love into your life.

Our 8-Week Journey

Nurturing Your Inner Child
Becoming Your Needy Inner Child’s Nurturing Parent


The Inner Critical Parent
Replacing Self-Criticism with Self-Nurturing


Inner Child Baggage
Recognizing & Healing Self-Destructive Thoughts


Connecting with Higher Self
Learning to Connect Your Inner Child with Inner Wisdom


Transforming Fear
Recognizing Needy Inner Child Cries for Love


Stop, Look & Listen
Paying Attention to Who Is in Charge


Healing Relationships
Seeing Through the Needy Inner Child to Light Essence


Simple, Uncomplicated Love
Expanding Your Identity to Being Love


What’s included

  • 8 weekly 60-minute 1-on-1 counseling calls

  • Workbook

  • Focus cards

  • Guided audio meditation



…or, are you ready to accelerate your spiritual awakening? Keep scrolling!

  • “Got to the heart of my issues”

    “Nicole asked the right questions that got to the heart of my issues and helped me get pointed in the right direction. The resources she provided to me were very informative and helpful and will help me take some important first steps in my journey that I was not sure how to take before talking to her.”

    – Danijela, Montreal

8-week program

Spiritual Awakening

“I am not the victim of the world I see.”

ACIM, W-31

We all have moments of feeling helpless, out of control and at the mercy of forces seen as outside ourselves.

Feeling this way is discouraging, depressing, and sometimes overwhelming. We may also feel angry or resentful.

Every experience in your life is simply a reflection of your thoughts. Your life is transformed when you realize that what you perceive in the outer world is, in fact, an effect of your thoughts. Knowing this gives you back the control you always felt belonged to you but which seemed to be out of reach and seemingly unchangeable.

You can choose your thoughts. You are the one who thinks them. When you accept this, you shine a bright light on your pathway to living a life you love. Change becomes possible. As you let your true Self shine a Light on these false beliefs, peace returns and you receive clarity and a deep sense of wellbeing.

Thought by thought, you begin changing your experience.

This program is for you if you want to…

  • Receive Inner Guidance more clearly

  • Apply what you are learning to your daily life experience

  • Uncover your own innate Wisdom in a nurturing environment of safety and trust

  • Release limiting concepts you no longer need

  • Nurture your spiritual growth in a loving, supportive, nonjudgmental environment

Our 8-Week Journey

Accepting Abundance
Letting Spirit Be in Charge


Opening to Inner Guidance
Strengthening Communication with Your Inner Guidance


Going Gently
A Process for Achieving Greater Awareness


Transforming Your Life
Changing Your Thoughts to Change Your World


The Awakened Perspective
Releasing Judgment and Allowing Love to Shine Through


Accelerating Your Growth
Seeing the Messages in Your Relationships


Building Your House of Light
Making Every Moment an Empowering


Divine Play
Celebrating Love — Oneness


What’s included

  • 8 weekly 60-minute 1-on-1 counseling calls

  • Workbook

  • Focus cards

  • Guided audio meditation



  • “I’ve become kinder to myself”

    “After my call with Nicole, I immediately started observing where fear shows up in my life. Sometimes the act of observing has been enough to make the shift to love. I’ve noticed that I’ve become kinder to myself in those moments of fear.”

    – Zorahgail B.