Confessions of a Miracle Junkie
Want to be Happy? Give Up Your Rights
Before I started applying A Course in Miracles to my life, I thought that I was right. Right about my opinions, right about my judgements, right in what I thought should or should not happen.
Self-Judgment Symphony
Is there ever a moment when I am not judging myself? If this morning is any indication, no. A constant undercurrent of judgement – “It’s beautiful outside, I should be out there”, “There’s that book light I bought for $30 that I have used once”, No exercise? What about the $20 I spent on equipment for my new routine?”, “That’s why I have no money”…and on and on and on.
Writing and Holding Back
Today I want to write about writing. I have been taking a memoir writing class at the local Center for Spiritual Living and I am absolutely loving it. The most fun part as been the sharing of everybody’s writings.