
Music has played a very important part on my spiritual journey.

I have always loved to sing. My favorite Christmas gift as a child was a Donny & Marie microphone. Even when I was in high school, I would sing in front of my bedroom mirror to my favorite songs.

As I began opening up and paying new attention to life, I realized that Spirit was speaking to me through the lyrics of these songs, that this was one of the ways that I communicated with the Love of God.

As I sang these songs with my whole heart, I was actually praying with my whole heart. Music has transformed me and my life and I believe that in some way I don’t quite yet foresee, music will play a part in this ministry.

During the Covid shutdown, I was guided to go on a songwriter’s journey with The Brothers Koren which resulted in 2 original songs. Here they are along with the lyrics.

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Lyrics by Nicole Elise Arecchia Witt

Music by The Brothers Koren

No Apologies

I spent my life on a hamster wheel

Trying to prove who I am

Running around and around and around

Getting nowhere close

In a prison of my own making

Banging on the walls, I hear

Oh Sweet Child go sit down

Get still in the middle of your soul

I’m climbing to the light of the sun

Ready to shine

It’s time, time to be me

Stripped bare to rise up

Letting go of all that was

So the new can come in and carry me away

Lots of bumps and bruises on the way

Getting down to get back up

A little bit higher than when I began

Standing in the gap of love

Purification is not pretty

But it’s all we came to do

Living life with wild abandon

With honor I bow to you

I’m climbing to the light of the sun

Ready to shine

It’s time, time to be me

Stripped bare to rise up

Letting go of all the that was

So the new can come in and carry me away

And we, we all come out

As we put our toys away

We can dance in the light of love

With no apologies for who we were meant to be

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Lyrics by Nicole Elise Arecchia Witt

Music by The Brothers Koren

Speak Freely

Why don’t I speak freely

Tell you how I feel

Will you think less of me

That I’m in the hounds of hell

I don’t want to hurt you

But I’ve turned in on myself

I’m screaming but there’s no sound

Nothing’s coming out

You made your choice

And I made mine

Now it’s been 40 years the locusts have eaten

And I want them back, I do

Oh, I forgive us both for what we never did

Remember how you used to twirl me around the room in the light

Can I speak freely now?

If I now speak freely,

Will my life change

Become wild and unruly

Living off the edge

It’s time to tell a different story

One that all works out

One that says I am worthy

And now it’s good to shout

You made your choice

And I made mine

Now it’s been 40 years the locusts have eaten

And I want them back, I do

Oh, I forgive us both for what we never did

Remember how you used to twirl me around the room in the light

Can I speak freely now?

If I can just speak freely

Tell a different story

If I can just speak freely